Tuesday, January 31, 2012

BEAUTY POP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SPOILER ALERT!!!!! I THINK................
So I just read a book called "Beauty Pop" and so basically its about this girl Kiri who is like a genus when it comes to hair cutting. She can pickup a scissor and make everyone beautiful. But she doesn't wan't to cut hair. But in the school there's this group called the Scissor Project where these 3 boys give makeovers only on pretty girls. So all the other girls who aren't "pretty" enough they don't make the cut and are left to beg. But Kiri does makeovers on the girls who were left to beg and helps them but leaves her name anonymous. And the Scissor Project is rally mad at Kiri (but don't know she's the one) because they think she's stealing the spot light.  

So this book is really awesome. I think the book isn't only about cutting hair and being the best in Japan. It's about you know true beauty and stuff like that. I mean the reason Kiri decides to do a make over on Kanako was because the boys in the scissor project were really mean to her and being such jerk. And I guess this book shows us that you know anyone can be beautiful. Because they believe that Kanako and some other girl int he book later on can't be beautiful. So they reject them.

But what message is this sending to us. I mean sure there's nice pictures and the story line is really nice and unique. But like you have to be pretty and get a total makeover to get the boy of your dreams. But then again Kanako ended up changing her makeover back to how she looked like and decided she didn't want to change her image for a boy. So this book was really good and did teach me you don't have to change you're image for a boy.    


  1. Chelsea, very nice job! What I think the author is trying to tell the reader is that you should be who you are; the true you. You shouldn't put "layers" on top of you to make yourself look pretty. Makeup is just like a mask for people. Makeup doesn't show the real person, underneath it. Its like deceiving people. I really think people should be who they are, just like Kanako. She decided to be herself at the end. She wants boys to like her for her; not just another "prettier twin" of herself. I'm just questioning, why does the Scissor Project group give makeovers to pretty girls to make them even prettier, when they're pretty already? I personally, just like the way I am. I don't want to change who I am or what I am. I am perfect the way I am and I really respect that. Changing your image will just change your "outside" but not the "inside". The "inside" always stays the same. So, maybe people should care more about themselves, and think, "Hmmm...maybe I should be who I am and keep my "outside" the same." Who knows, maybe a boy will like you for who you are; not just your makeup.

  2. I agree. To me, the beautiful thing in people is beyond their looks. That's why I never like talking about what looks attractive and what doesn't.
