Wednesday, February 8, 2012


So we finished watching Romeo and Juliet like a week ago. And everybody knows the story but I have to give a quick introduction. So there's this boy named Romeo and there's this girl named Juliet and there families hate each other to death (literally they really want to murder each other also some people die) and they meet each other at a party. And they were all like "I love you!!!!" so they can't be in love because of their families hatred toward each other. So they decided to fake each others death. So Juliet pretends to kill herself. And then Romeo kills himself because he thinks she's dead but she isn't. And Juliet wakes up and he's died so Juliet kills herself because she can't live with out her love. THE END!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway so in this book it has to do a lot with symbols and stuff like that. So you can say that water has been with them for a very long time. I mean I guess it's like water has been with them when they first met and death. So Romeo and juliet first meet at a party but the thing that separates them is water. They could have went over and talked to each other except water was blocking them. And at one point water joins them. There in pool and they were kissing and at the end water breaks them apart because Romeo kills Tyblat and this cause Romeo and Juliet to never be together because Romeo is banished. So water has been with them when they first meet and when they died.

so you could say that their like water? Still coming up with a theory. You could say that water played a big important role in this movie. Because they meet at the fish tank and water was separating them. And then they were together in the water. And then water is what ended their lives. So all in all I'm excited for this unit. And this was a really good movie.


  1. What a nice retell Chelsea. Maybe your theory should be something like water is what attracts people to meet and is what represents their true love? or something silly like that. But cool symbolism in the things I would have never thought of.

  2. I love your context, Chelsea. It is so beautiful that I'm going to cry! That's interesting. I never really noticed the water. I did, but I kind of over-looked it.
